Waymire Creek Bridge
Project Details:
Owner: Polk County Public Works
Contractor: Waldron & Sons, Inc.
Project Location: Falls City, Oregon
Engineering Service: Bridge Engineering
Key Staff:
Anna Stewart
Dennis McGee
Project Summary:
McGee Engineering provided full project design for a single span prestressed bridge to replace an arch culvert designated as a fish barrier where Oakdale Road crosses Waymire Creek. The crossing is on a two-lane rural road providing both industrial timberland and residential access and had to incorporate driveway access and multiple utilities. Polk County Public Works performed stream restoration and hydraulic analysis internally, which were incorporated into McGee’s final plan set.
Design deliverables produced by McGee included: construction plans, Special Provisions, cost estimate and bridge load rating with As-Built plans. McGee also provided bidding, contracting, and construction assistance for the county with construction inspection of driven pile foundations, rebar inspections, and submittal review.
Project Gallery:
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